America Is A Satanic Nation

<p>I don&rsquo;t know why all our money says, &ldquo;In God We Trust.&rdquo; Sure, there are a lot of Christians in America, but the basic principles of our country, the foundation of it, is based on Satanism more.</p> <p>Believing in God is believing in a type of spiritual king. I mean, Christians call Jesus the &ldquo;King of Kings&rdquo; for a reason. It&rsquo;s the idea that whoever is the most powerful is the one you should serve. It means subjugating yourself to the law and a greater being who decides everything for you.</p> <p>God is a type of monarchy that you&rsquo;re not meant to fight with. He is a leader who gets to decide who dies and who lives, who is imprisoned forever and who gets to go free.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Satanic nation