This Is Why Satan Attacks You So Much

<p>The story of King David is one of the saddest accounts contained in The Standard Works. To see such a valiant servant of God, a great king and prophet, fall into murderous and adulterous paths causes me great pain each time I read it. King David, of course, is not the only one who is enticed to commit sin or abandon God throughout scripture. We read of Judas, an apostle turned traitor, we read of Jonah, a great prophet rejecting the instructions of the Lord, and we read of countless others along the way who follow the same course of action.</p> <p>Some of these stories have happier endings than others, but they all beg the question: How? How is it that such great and righteous servants of the Lord can be turned into such direct rebellion?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Satan Attacks