Math Says You’re (Probably) Cutting Your Sandwiches Wrong

<p>Ahhh, the sandwich. Truly, it is one of life&rsquo;s greatest conveniences. At its minimum, it is a delicious treat. But at its maximum, it can be an entire meal literally within your fingertips. To boot, the sandwich components can range to fit any mood. Need something refreshing and light? How about chicken salad on sourdough? Want something sweet and indulgent? Grab the ever-wholesome PB&amp;J. Visit any lunchtime restaurant and you are likely to see a sandwich in one form or another.</p> <p>What is one thing that most sandwiches have in common though? No, it isn&rsquo;t the bread (looking at you, spinach-wrap). No, it isn&rsquo;t ingredients between two slices (looking at you, open-face turkey-sammie). What most sandwiches have in common is their slice. Indeed, so many sandwiches are served sliced right down the middle.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>