Sands of Lost Time

<p>I lie in a wasteland<br /> of golden sand &mdash;<br /> <em>I&rsquo;ve waited so long,<br /> and I no longer know<br /> what I am waiting for.</em></p> <p>Will my own tears<br /> wash me away?<br /> Or will I be buried<br /> in this unforgiving land?</p> <p>Forsaken and left<br /> to settle beneath<br /> the treacherous sands<br /> of lost time,<br /> I am slowly sinking &mdash;<br /> <em>voice forgotten,<br /> hope abandoned,<br /> with everything true<br /> and beautiful<br /> reduced to particles<br /> to be tossed by the wind.</em></p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: Time Sands