Sandra Day O’Connor: A Female Pioneer on the Supreme Court

<p>SANDRA DAY O&rsquo;CONNOR, born in 1930, was the 102nd U.S. Supreme Court justice and the very first female justice on the Supreme Court. She served on the court for 25 years and, on a divided court, she was often the swing vote. She became one of the most powerful people in Washington, a conservative &mdash; but an independent thinker, on abortion and many other issues.</p> <p>O&rsquo;Connor was deeply formed by her childhood as Sandra Day, a cowgirl on &ldquo;The Lazy B,&rdquo; a 198,000-acre cattle ranch near Duncan, Arizona. The first thing that Sandra wanted to be in life was a cattle rancher. She learned to brand cattle and to hunt jackrabbits with a rifle. The ranch never got more than 10 inches of rain a year, most of which fell on summer afternoons. Rain was a cause for celebration.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Sandra Day