Sacred Spaces Desecrated: Healing from Religious Trauma Syndrome

<p>Spiritual pursuits are meant to offer hope and comfort. They can provide value, meaning, community, and even structure to our lives. But for many people, religion and spirituality mean none of that. Instead, the mere mention of these things are reminders of pain, violation, and trauma.</p> <p>Churches, religions, and spiritual leaders have much to answer for when it comes to childhood and even adult trauma. Where most religious practices have tenets that amount to &ldquo;do no harm&rdquo;, modern-day religion can do much harm &mdash; and has yet to answer for it. Abuse within the Catholic church often garners media attention, but it seems that only sexual abuse leads to shock and outrage by the public. Many denominations, spiritual organizations, and their leaders are guilty of traumatizing their parishioners and do so without acknowledgement, accountability, or consequence.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>