Russians in Their Own Words: Shoigu, Where is the Mobilization?

<p><strong><em>The following is a translation of a blog post from Volya on Telegram. The order for mobilization has not been verified outside of Telegram rumors and a photo of the alleged document. It looks &lsquo;real&rsquo; but has not been verified by the Russian media or MoD. Volya calls it &lsquo;fake,&rsquo; but this author has no opinion on its veracity. Photo of alleged order below. I didn&rsquo;t translate it word for word, but it basically says, &ldquo;200,000 more mobilized from 11/Sep/23 to 01/Nov/23.&rdquo; Such a document is easy to fake but could equally be real. Time will tell.</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>The GOMU is the organization responsible for implementing the conscription. The &ldquo;General Staff&rdquo; is kinda-sorta the equivalent of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.</em></strong></p> <h2>Translation begins:</h2> <p>The release of a fake order from the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on recruiting 200,000 soldiers until November (first) was just malarkey. There is no such order, which was confirmed to us, among other things, by sources in the GOMU General Staff (Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff), who, in the &ldquo;document,&rdquo; were entrusted with the function of monitoring the execution of commanding instructions.</p> <p>If there is no order, then what is? Do they recruit people into the army, or do they manage exclusively with contract volunteers, prisoners, and those who were recruited earlier?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>