Russian Roulette

<p>In the age of Donald Trump, we&rsquo;ve all gotten used to living in a whiplashing, contradictory news environment. But sometimes events come together in a way that still makes me shake my head.</p> <p>On July 31, The&nbsp;<em>New York Times</em>&nbsp;and Siena College (who tend to be among the most reliable polling outfits) released a poll showing that Trump has an almost 40-point lead over his nearest rival for the Republican presidential nomination. The&nbsp;<em>Times</em>&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">headline and subhead</a>&nbsp;say it all:</p> <blockquote> <p>Trump Crushing DeSantis and G.O.P. Rivals, Times/Siena Poll Finds</p> <p>The twice-indicted former president leads across nearly every category and region, as primary voters wave off concerns about his escalating legal jeopardy.</p> </blockquote> <p>Three days later, as had been widely anticipated, Trump was arraigned in Washington D.C. after being indicted by a federal grand jury for his role in the January 6th attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election. He&rsquo;s charged with defrauding the United States, attempting to obstruct government business, and attempting to deprive people of their right to have their votes counted.</p> <p>I don&rsquo;t need to tell you that this is Trump&rsquo;s third indictment so far &mdash; he faces over 70 charges at this moment &mdash; or that another set of charges is likely to come soon from prosecutors in Georgia. Trump will spend most of the next year fighting to stay out of prison.</p> <p>As the&nbsp;<em>Times</em>&nbsp;poll indicates, none of this seems to matter in the race for the GOP nomination. Most of Trump&rsquo;s rivals refuse to attack Trump over his alleged crimes (they seem mostly to be echoing Trump&rsquo;s claims that he is the victim of a massive conspiracy), and Republican voters seem to still prefer him over the alternatives.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>