There are Twenty Russian Agents in the U.S. Congress

<p><strong>No fewer than ten members of the U.S. House of Representatives and ten members of the U.S. Senate are agents of the Russian Federation.</strong>&nbsp;Before I get around to naming names, I will establish my credentials. Before I turned to the academic route, I was an intelligence analyst. I did not run agents, but I worked with and contributed to the product. When I needed to know, I had some access to sources and methods. Before that, my father was a counterintelligence officer for several years. He never provided details about those years. But from an early age, I learned the general mindset that goes with that kind of work.</p> <p>I will name names. They are not all the names I could name. I will only focus on the top ten &ldquo;solid&rdquo; candidates in each house of the legislature of the United States.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Russian Agents