Russell Means: An Indian Seeking Freedom

<p>Means was very American in his deep love of freedom. He was a leader with energy, charisma and brains &mdash; but he was impulsive, with little commitment to the scut work of organizing. He always chafed at restrictions on his freedom.</p> <p>At age 29, drifting in and out of trouble, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Means joined the American Indian Movement (AIM) and with his bulk, toughness and ability to inspire, moved quickly up the ranks until he was head man in the AIM. But he resigned six times, deeply frustrated by many things. He hated the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) for its corruption and indifference, its lazy assumption of superiority. He hated the history of the whites and Indians, treaty after treaty solemnly signed, with the white man always failing to live up to the treaty&rsquo;s promises.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Russell Means