Running Scared With a Mob in Buenos Aires

<p>The recent reports of panic in Times Square, reminded me of a recent trip to Buenos Aires. The scariest part was being caught and almost trampled in a mob running toward us and not knowing why. In that case, what I learned is when throngs of people are running, you should just run with them, like with the bulls. Here was an account I wrote at the time.</p> <p>My observation about Buenos Aires is that it is a missed opportunity. As an example, the sidewalks need repaired, even in the best neighborhoods and walking through the rest of the city is somewhat daunting. It is at once a metropolis on the edge, but also vibrating with indescribable beauty and passion and possibility. It is the kind of city where we stopped into a cafe for a quick snack, glass of vino tinto, and charge for our phones &hellip; and were treated to a tango dance. We spent six days walking and exploring, eating and drinking and by the way, the Malbecs didn&rsquo;t disappoint.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: running Scared