Keeping Applications Running on macOS with launchd

<p>In the world of macOS,&nbsp;<code>launchd</code>&nbsp;serves as the kingpin of process management. It&rsquo;s what boots your system, launches apps, and even keeps them running when they unexpectedly quit. Imagine you&#39;re using a remote-access application, like AnyDesk, and need it to stay running constantly. Here&#39;s where&nbsp;<code>launchd</code>&nbsp;becomes invaluable. This article will guide you through harnessing the power of&nbsp;<code>launchd</code>&nbsp;to achieve this persistent application run state.</p> <h2>Understanding launchd</h2> <p>Apple introduced&nbsp;<code>launchd</code>&nbsp;as a unified and consistent framework for managing processes on macOS. It can start, stop, and manage daemons, applications, processes, and scripts. Two primary domains exist:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: macOS launchd