Dry January (June): The Hunt for a More Efficient Running Machine

<p><strong>The fourth installment of a five-part series. For maximum enjoyment, please read the third installment before proceeding:</strong></p> <h2><a href="https://medium.com/runners-life/dry-january-march-my-smartwatch-unleashed-my-10-000-year-old-genes-923f26c9c342?source=post_page-----672d1642199--------------------------------" rel="noopener follow" target="_blank">Dry January (March): My Smartwatch Unleashed My 10,000-year-old Genes</a></h2> <h3><a href="https://medium.com/runners-life/dry-january-march-my-smartwatch-unleashed-my-10-000-year-old-genes-923f26c9c342?source=post_page-----672d1642199--------------------------------" rel="noopener follow" target="_blank">Part three: Ditching alcohol supercharged my battery, literally.</a></h3> <p><a href="https://medium.com/runners-life/dry-january-march-my-smartwatch-unleashed-my-10-000-year-old-genes-923f26c9c342?source=post_page-----672d1642199--------------------------------" rel="noopener follow" target="_blank">medium.com</a></p> <p><em>Alcohol, my permanent accessory<br /> Alcohol, a party-time necessity<br /> Alcohol, alternative to feeling like yourself<br /> Oh, alcohol, I still drink to your health</em></p> <p><em>I love you more than I did the week before<br /> I discovered alcohol</em></p> <p><em>And would you please ignore<br /> That you found me on the floor<br /> Trying on your camisole</em></p> <p><em>While I cannot love myself<br /> I&rsquo;ll use something else<br /> Oh alcohol, would you please forgive me?</em></p> <p>-&nbsp;<strong><em>Alcohol</em></strong>, Barenaked Ladies</p> <h2>Flashback: The Chinese Steppe, 7,000 years ago&sup1;</h2> <p>The Neolithic Revolution was well underway. The unstoppable march from a hunter-gatherer society to one of farming and &ldquo;settling&rdquo; meant human genes honed to survive a nomadic lifestyle had no choice but to adapt.</p> <p>On the vast Chinese Steppe, as far as Ming could tell, it wasn&rsquo;t going well, but he was adapting better than most. He noticed people developing large guts, teeth falling into disrepair, and back injuries from the monotonous work of tilling the fields. While people weren&rsquo;t dying from the dangers of the hunt or starvation, they seemed less happy. The daily routine of trudging from the hut to the field and back, repeat, was taking its toll. Where was the sense of adventure?</p> <p>Ming had the largest farm in the region, and his crops yielded plentiful bounties. He was also the leading animal conservationist of his time. Startled by the massive woolly mammoth population drop, he kept four as pets in an enclosed pasture. His favorite, Li, was advanced&hellip;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/runners-life/dry-january-june-the-hunt-for-a-more-efficient-running-machine-672d1642199"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>