Running Llama 2 on CPU Inference Locally for Document Q&A

<p>Third-party commercial large language model (LLM) providers like OpenAI&rsquo;s GPT4 have democratized LLM use via simple API calls. However, teams may still require self-managed or private deployment for model inference within enterprise perimeters due to various reasons around data privacy and compliance.</p> <p>The proliferation of open-source LLMs has fortunately opened up a vast range of options for us, thus reducing our reliance on these third-party providers.</p> <p>When we host open-source models locally on-premise or in the cloud, the dedicated compute capacity becomes a key consideration. While GPU instances may seem the most convenient choice, the costs can easily spiral out of control.</p> <p>In this easy-to-follow guide, we will discover how to run quantized versions of open-source LLMs on local CPU inference for retrieval-augmented generation (aka document Q&amp;A) in Python. In particular, we will leverage the latest, highly-performant&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Llama 2</a>&nbsp;chat model in this project.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: CPU Llama Q&A