Becoming a Runner in the Pandemic

<p>While I feel like there are countless stories of people picking up new hobbies or revisiting old ones during the pandemic, I thought I would add a post about one of my hobbies that I picked back up again. During the pandemic, I picked running back up again. If not for the pandemic, I definitely would not have started running again because I only started during the first lockdown when I was living in Singapore in early April.</p> <p>When I was younger, I ran in cross-country during middle school, although I never ran more than around 2 miles. Running was tiring for me, and I always had limited stamina. I never did particularly well in the races, but I tried my best. I would also run two laps around the park across the street from the house where I grew up. Every time, I would run the same two laps around the park.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>