Understanding of RunBlock trap and how we can avoid it?

<p>Certainly, let&rsquo;s dive deeper into the Kotlin&nbsp;<code>runBlocking</code>&nbsp;deadlock trap with a real-life example. Consider a scenario where you&#39;re building a simple Android app with Kotlin that fetches data from a web service using coroutines and Retrofit. You have a&nbsp;<code>ViewModel</code>&nbsp;responsible for making network requests. Here&#39;s a simplified example:</p> <pre> class MyViewModel : ViewModel() { private val apiService = ApiService.create() fun fetchData() { viewModelScope.launch { val data = runBlocking { // This is a blocking operation within runBlocking apiService.getData() } processData(data) } }</pre> <pre> private fun processData(data: Data) { // Process the data } }</pre> <p>In this example,&nbsp;<code>runBlocking</code>&nbsp;is used inside the&nbsp;<code>fetchData</code>&nbsp;method to perform a blocking network operation. This code creates a deadlock trap because you&#39;re using&nbsp;<code>runBlocking</code>&nbsp;inside a coroutine, and it can potentially block the thread, leading to unresponsiveness in your app.</p> <p>Here&rsquo;s how you can avoid this deadlock trap:</p> <p><strong>Use&nbsp;</strong><code><strong>withContext</strong></code><strong>&nbsp;Instead of&nbsp;</strong><code><strong>runBlocking</strong></code><strong>:</strong>&nbsp;You should avoid using&nbsp;<code>runBlocking</code>&nbsp;in a coroutine. Instead, you can use the&nbsp;<code>withContext</code>&nbsp;function to switch to a different dispatcher (e.g.,&nbsp;<code>Dispatchers.IO</code>) for the blocking operation. This way, you don&#39;t block the main UI thread.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@dugguRK/understanding-of-runblock-trap-and-how-we-can-avoid-7b0f31b85dcd"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: RunBlock trap