RSA’s Multiracial People Still Feel Marginalized After Apartheid

<p>South African Coloreds must not be confused with South African Blacks, given that to be &ldquo;Colored&rdquo; in South Africa means being torn between White, Black, and Asian. To be Colored means more privileged than Blacks and less privileged than Whites. Colored South Africans don&rsquo;t embrace Black South Africans, nor do they embrace White South Africans and any other group of people &mdash; I&rsquo;m not saying that all Coloreds don&rsquo;t like Black South Africans or other groups of people. I&rsquo;m saying that Coloreds want to be seen as Coloreds, and they want to maintain their own culture and identity. Coloreds don&rsquo;t identify with Blacks; they don&rsquo;t identify with Whites. South Africa&rsquo;s Colored community still feels sidelined and singled out after Apartheid. They&rsquo;re not Black enough under the current ANC government or White enough under the National Party&rsquo;s Apartheid government. They feel that the ANC is running South Africa onto the ground.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>