
<p>U.S. Thyroid 2023:</p> <p>Clinical data: A &nbsp;year-old male/female patient with history of<br /> Technique: Thyroid ultrasound with high-frequency probe.&nbsp;<br /> Comparison:&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Findings:<br /> Isthmus and both thyroid lobes demonstrates homogenous echo-texture, preserved color Doppler flow. No focal lesions.<br /> The right thyroid lobe is relatively larger than the left side. Again noted multiple well-defined anechoic, cystic thyroid nodule with smooth margin without micro/macrocalcifications. The largest one measures &hellip;&hellip;.in comparison to previous size.<br /> The bilateral CCA and IJV are patent, normal flow. &nbsp;<br /> No cervical lymphadenopathy.</p> <p><br /> Conclusion:&nbsp;<br /> Relatively enlarged right thyroid lobe with multiple cystic nodules coded as TIRADS 1</p>
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