Routing and Navigation In React — A comprehensive Guide

<p>Sure, here is a comprehensive blog on routing and event handling in React using the latest version, React 18:</p> <h2>Introduction</h2> <p>Routing and event handling are two essential concepts in React development. Routing is the process of navigating between different pages or components in a React application. Event handling is the process of responding to user interactions, such as clicks, keypresses, and mouse movements.</p> <p>In React 18, routing and event handling have been improved to make them more efficient and easier to use.</p> <h2>Routing in React 18</h2> <p>In React 18, routing is handled by the react-router-dom package. The react-router-dom package provides a set of components that you can use to define routes, navigate between routes, and handle events related to routing.</p> <p>The main difference between routing in React 18 and previous versions of React is that React 18 uses concurrent rendering by default. This means that React can render multiple parts of your application at the same time, which can improve performance.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>