Rotifer Farm

<p>In thinking about this peculiar and distinct space, reminiscent of a farm or playground, I contemplated the cultivation of rotifers (also called bdelloid rotifers)&mdash; an often-overlooked microscopic species inhabiting various soil and grassy areas of the outdoors. Grounding it in current biological knowledge of Rotifers and the biotechnical feasibility of how the microbes could be harnessed, I have proposed a semi-fictional farm consisting of rotifers. These minute creatures, typically found in freshwater environments, represent some of the smallest members within the Metazoa kingdom, measuring about 0.5 mm or less in length and boasting bodies composed of approximately a thousand cells. Rotifers are, in fact, a type of animal.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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