Call of duty

<p>In the heat, even the rooster hesitates,<br /> to break the stillness that passes for cool.<br /> Even he is reluctant to call the sun<br /> and prod the day into being.</p> <p>The heat makes sluggish the brash and bold,<br /> they recalibrate, calculate the prudence of lying low &mdash;<br /> bellies pressed against the earth to soak in some of the night&rsquo;s cool gift.<br /> I opened the doors hours before the sun,<br /> the air barely stirred, just a trickle of wind,<br /> not even enough to to shoulder the room&rsquo;s air aside.<br /> As the heat builds, as the days pass, outside &mdash; inside, day &mdash; night,<br /> all of us feel the physical presence of heat like a hand,<br /> like a wall, settling, compressing, filling every space until we labor to breathe.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Call Duty