Roommate Trouble in San Francisco

<p>I moved to San Francisco just after the 1989 earthquake. I found an apartment in Noe Valley with 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a backyard with blackberry bushes. My roommates were two longtime SF denizens. Susan was an aspiring romance novelist from Maryland. John taught photography at San Francisco State.</p> <p>We all became friends, cooking dinner together most nights. Then Susan told us she was moving back east for a teaching job. John and I placed an ad for a new roommate and conducted interviews. Most of the applicants were shifty and malodorous. We settled on a woman from Alabama named Addison. She told us she worked as a cruise director making her appealing. This meant she&rsquo;d be gone for months at a time and could afford her share of the rent.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: San Francisco