Planning for Rome and Barcelona

<p>Back up to 2009. I was teaching English in Madrid for a summer. After an evening out, my friends helped me find and board a bus that would allegedly take me home. It was late at night and eventually I was the only passenger on the bus. After driving for some time the driver swiftly pulled over the vehicle and declared this was the last stop. My Spanish was poor (I take full responsibility for this), the driver&rsquo;s English was nonexistent (he has no responsibility to know English), and I gathered that he wanted me to wait outside at the bus stop where a bench was located until the bus route began again.</p> <p>I sat on the bench for a while, feeling defeated, wondering as maybe others do too&mdash; does this s*** happen to anyone else? To make matters worse, my cellphone was (repeatedly at that point in my life) out of minutes.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Rome Barcelona