Reverse Rollover

<p><strong>Rollover from IRA to 401k</strong>: transferring IRA (traditional, Rollover, SEP, SIMPLE) to an active 401k. This is known as a Reverse Rollover.</p> <p>Note that after-tax IRA and Roth IRA cannot be transferred to traditional or Roth 401k. In other words, a Reverse Rollover always assumes transferring pre-tax only money from an IRA to a traditional 401k.</p> <p>When leaving a job, usually, it&rsquo;s advised to take your 401k (i.e., transfer it to a Rollover IRA). So why would you consider reversing the transfer from an IRA to a 401k? Let&rsquo;s explore the cases where this type of Rollover can be helpful.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>