Queen: “The” Rockstars.

<p>My story with Queen started when I was around 12. I was surfing on the net then saw a video clip of &ldquo;The Bohemian Rhapsody&rdquo;, of course I knew that it was Queen&rsquo;s song but I had never watched and listened the whole clip before. I clicked, watched and immediately after I fell in love.</p> <p>The sound, the visuals, the ryhthm&hellip; Everything was just perfect for me. I knew once I start, I couldn&rsquo;t leave this era of my life. Today I am 16 and I discovered many Queen&rsquo;s song, still in love, still a fan of their music. Something sad happened in my story with Queen, my uncle who is the person thaught me about Queen is not with me now and the last thing we did together was listening queen in the car, I am really thankfull for my uncle, he gave me a priceless gift. Now, you know my story with queen so let me tell you about Queen&rsquo;s own story.</p> <p><strong><em>Everything started in 1971- February</em></strong></p> <p>Queen&rsquo;s members were Mercury, May, Taylor and Deacon but this group wasn&rsquo;t always like that. In the back of the time, May and Taylor were in another group with their friend Tim Staffell but suddenly Tim left the group for another one, that&rsquo;s when Mercury came and make Queen come together.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@nevapolat/queen-the-rockstars-d419ad4aa912"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>