East Van, A Bar, Rock & Roll, an Escape

<p>Sometimes an easy life can seem a little shallow; too protected, no sharp edges and just a little too insulated from the real world. I have worked and saved a long time to add security and an illusion of padding against hardship, yet, too good an exterior can create a hollowness. Imagine a beautifully decorated Easter egg perched behind glass on a museum shelf. A person could starve to death looking at that painted shell. Sometimes I crave the yokey goodness of sunny side up and to hell with the shell.</p> <p>Walter Mitty was on to something. I needed a nighttime outing to be around real people who were escaping their own brands of day-trouble. Then I remembered the recommendation of my friend Woody who said the Princeton was the real deal when he played there&mdash; an old bar with a live band, cheap wings and an utter lack of pretense.</p> <p><a href="https://lfoote-39937.medium.com/east-van-a-bar-rock-roll-an-escape-5c7bd0ca9869"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Rock Roll