The Strange and Incomparable Life of Robert Voyles

<p>Forty years separated Robert Voyles and I until that morning in Natchez. The circumstances surrounding our meeting were the same as finding lasagna at a Vietnamese restaurant: unlikely and unusual.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*tCCdVLc6sxH3o2mT0rX82g.jpeg" style="height:467px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Robert E. Lee Voyles</p> <p>Robert E. Lee Voyles. The &ldquo;Mississippi Redneck&rdquo;, as he&rsquo;s known throughout the Trace, is an eccentric traveler and yarn spinner; a sort of low-level southern sage of seemingly boundless stories and tales of international escapades. In short, my kind of people.</p> <p>I had encountered Mr. Robert as I waddled up from camp through the soggy morning air on my way to the bathroom and to collect Leias morning copy of the NASDAQ. Voyles was difficult to miss, more specifically, his self-built autovateur/camper were impossible not to notice.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Robert Voyles