The Theories of Robert Sepehr and Why they are Dangerous.

<p>Just as it is with other fields of study, how we practice anthropology, history, and archaeology has adapted and evolved numerous times in the past two centuries. The procedures we use to observe cultures and analyze historical events has repeatedly shifted on account of changes in methodologies, schools of thought, and access to new information. This typically ends up replacing older orthodoxies.</p> <p>However, just like E.B. Tyler&rsquo;s theory on &ldquo;cultural survivals,&rdquo; these outdated notions that we assume would go on to be replaced never truly die. In fact, they sometimes become adopted by reactionary elements in society and continue to endure and find new, larger audiences by taking on a new face and it&rsquo;s all thanks to the virulent nature of social media. The scourge of misinformation that has escalated unabated in this post-truth era due to clickbait mills and poor journalism has created a perfect breeding ground where subjects that are considered on the fringe by professionals spread widely among internet users.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Robert Sepehr