Why I’m Sick of Writing about Robert Fripp but Do Anyway

<p>Oh it was sometime early this year I ran into Robert Fripp of King Crimson on-line and found out that he was a Gurdjieff disciple, unfollowed him, blogged about it, and triggered countless King Crimson fans. This feeds into this unpleasant thing about my writing. I would like, if anything, to keep as much of it focused on the topic of vegan infighting as possible. That the vegan issue is really the issue that is most important, that the central problems of our times are the atrocities committed against non-human animals, the issues of obesity and cardiovascular related diseases and zoonotic diseases, and the issue of climate change- but that all change in this regard is created by the division among vegans. The chess board of this division is one that involves a number of cults, and as such &ldquo;cults&rdquo; qualifies as an adjacent issue, but it is the issue that gets the most hits and likely has the most commercial potential.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@williamwheaton66/why-im-sick-of-writing-about-robert-fripp-but-do-anyway-3893d8787af9"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Robert Fripp