We Live 1 Mile from Robert Card’s Body

<p>I went to the Domino&rsquo;s in Lisbon Falls to pick up a Pizza for dinner. This is a pretty regular occurence for us. There aren&rsquo;t very many food options in Lisbon Falls and the pizza is cheap and quick. Robert Card had already killed 7 people at the Bowling Alley in Lewiston. He was actively shooting people at the Bar in South Lewiston. I was less than 10 miles South, on the only road that directly connects Lisbon Falls to Lewiston, picking up a pizza &mdash; completely oblivious.</p> <p><strong>7:30pm</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; I get back home, brush the toddler&rsquo;s teeth, put him into some pajamas, read him a book and tuck him in for the night. All completely normal. Card has most likely already abandoned his car at the Boat Launch 1.5 miles from our house. Still &mdash; we knew nothing.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@MackenzieTittle/we-live-1-mile-from-robert-cards-body-c12413aa5c15"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>