All Roads Lead to Biphobia: Confronting Prejudice as a Bi Man

<p>Imagine standing at the brink of the universe as a child in a dream. You are asked to choose: to leap into the unknown or to stay within the safety of the known. What do you choose?</p> <p>For me, this is not a hypothetical scenario or a sleep-induced fantasy. This is a metaphor for my life.</p> <p>This piece is about my journey as Ross, a person who happens to be Black, male, and bi, and how each path presented before me is laced with a deadly element &mdash; biphobia.</p> <p>No matter relationship status as a bi+ person &mdash; single, dating, same-sex partnered, different-sex partnered, or polyamorous &mdash; we are all faced with a unique question:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Roads Leads