
<div class="entry-content ng-binding"> <p>She loved airplanes ever since she was a little girl. She would watch them soar in the sky and imagine herself flying with them. She dreamed of traveling to different places and seeing new things. She also loved going to church with her parents every Sunday. She felt a connection with God and prayed for his blessings.</p> <p>One day, after the service, she received a small toy airplane from the Bishop of the Cathedral as gift. It was made of wood and painted in bright colors. She felt drawn to it and picked it up. She felt a surge of joy and gratitude. She thought it was a gift from God for her. She ran to her parents and showed them the toy. They smiled and said she could keep it. She thanked them and hugged them.</p> <p>She took the toy plane home and kept it safely in her box. She would take it out every day and play with it. She would pretend that she was flying to different countries and having adventures. She would also talk to the toy plane and tell it her secrets and wishes. She felt that the toy plane was her best friend and guardian angel.</p> <p>But suddenly one day, the toy airplane in the box disappeared. She searched everywhere for it, but she could not find it. She was heartbroken and cried for days. She wondered if she had done something wrong and God had taken it away from her. She prayed and asked for forgiveness and for the toy plane to come back. But nothing happened. She felt lost and lonely.</p> <p>Days passed and she grew up and became a maiden. She still loved airplanes and traveling, but she had given up on her dreams. She worked as a clerk in a small shop and lived a simple life. She still went to church every Sunday, but she felt distant from God. She missed her toy plane and wondered where it was and if it was happy.</p> <p>One day, she got a chance to go on a trip abroad with her cousin. She was excited. She had never been out of her country before. She packed her bags and boarded the plane. She felt a thrill as the plane took off and flew in the air. She looked out of the window and saw the clouds and the sun. She felt a spark of hope and joy.</p> <p>She arrived at her destination and checked into a hotel. She and her cousin decided to explore the city and see the sights. They visited museums, parks, monuments, and markets. They had a lot of fun and learned a lot of new things. She felt happy and curious.</p> <p>One day, they decided to visit a church nearby. It was an old and beautiful church with stained glass windows and paintings. She entered the church and felt a sense of awe and peace. She walked around and admired the architecture and the art. She saw a small chapel at the end of the church and decided to go inside. She wanted to pray and thank God for the opportunity to travel and see the world.</p> <p>She entered the chapel and saw a small altar with candles and flowers. She knelt down and closed her eyes. She prayed and expressed her gratitude and appreciation. She also asked God for guidance and protection. She opened her eyes and looked at the altar. She gasped and blinked. She could not believe what she saw.</p> <p>There, on the altar, was her toy airplane. It was the same one that she had lost when she was a child. It was still in good condition and looked exactly as she remembered it. She felt a surge of happiness and disbelief. She reached out and touched it. It felt real and familiar. She picked it up and held it close to her chest. She felt a warm and comforting feeling. She felt that God had heard her prayers and returned her toy plane to her. She felt that God had never left her and had always been with her. She felt that God had a plan for her and had a purpose for her life.</p> <p>She cried and smiled. She thanked God and praised him. She felt a connection with God and felt his love and grace. She felt that the toy plane was a sign and a symbol of her faith and her dreams. She felt that the toy plane was her best friend and guardian angel.</p> <p>She took the toy plane home and kept it safely in her closet. She would take it out every day and play with it. She would pretend that she was flying to different countries and having adventures. She would also talk to the toy plane and tell it her secrets and wishes. She felt that the toy plane was her inspiration and motivation.</p> <p>She decided to pursue her dreams and become a pilot. She enrolled in a flying school and learned how to fly. She worked hard and graduated with honors. She got a job as a pilot and traveled to different places and saw new things. She had a lot of fun and learned a lot of new things. She felt happy and fulfilled.<br /> She also met a man who shared her passion for flying and traveling. He was kind and handsome. He also loved God and went to church. They fell in love and got married. They had a beautiful wedding and a wonderful honeymoon. They moved into a cozy house and had a happy family. They had two children, a boy and a girl. They named them after famous aviators. They taught them how to fly and how to love God. They gave them toy airplanes as gifts. They had a lot of fun and learned a lot of new things. They felt happy and blessed.</p> <p>She never lost the toy plane again. She kept it as a precious treasure and a cherished memory. She would show it to her children and grandchildren and tell them the story of how she found it and how it changed her life. She would also tell them how God loved them and had a plan for them. She would also tell them to follow their dreams and to never give up. She would also tell them to be grateful and to thank God for everything.</p> <p>She lived a long and happy life. She died peacefully in her sleep. She was surrounded by her family and friends. They mourned her and celebrated her. They remembered her and honored her. They loved her and missed her.</p> <p>She went to heaven and met God. He welcomed her and embraced her. He told her that he was proud of her and pleased with her. He told her that he had always been with her and had always loved her. He told her that he had a special place for her and had a special reward for her.</p> <p>He gave her a real airplane. It was made of gold and diamonds. It was beautiful and magnificent. It was the best airplane ever. He told her that she could fly it anywhere and anytime. He told her that she could explore the universe and see the wonders of his creation. He told her that she could have fun and learn a lot of new things. He told her that she could be happy and fulfilled.</p> <p>She thanked him and praised him. She felt a connection with him and felt his love and grace. She felt that the airplane was a sign and a symbol of her faith and her dreams. She felt that the airplane was her best friend and guardian angel.</p> <p>She flew the airplane and soared in the sky. She saw the stars and the planets. She saw the angels and the saints. She saw the beauty and the glory. She had a lot of fun and learned a lot of new things. She felt happy and blessed.</p> <p>Her soul lived happily ever after.</p> <p>The end.</p> </div>
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