The Stories of Rishikas

<p>Knowledge is held sacred in Hinduism, which is why it is still called the Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Truth; and truth comes from seeking knowledge, and these were imparted by the Rishis, also called the Gurus. There is a wrong impression that men dominate the Hindu spiritual spectrum, however, the Vedic scriptures speak otherwise. Since the Vedic age, Hinduism has considered women as equals to men. Scriptures such as&nbsp;<strong>Devi Bhagavata</strong>&nbsp;have even placed feminine power above masculine power.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*ffHXuIFURna9dkQQg4PoOw.jpeg" style="height:470px; width:602px" /></p> <p>The Rig Veda is the only scripture in which the Divine Truths are revealed to women sages and in which hymns describing these revelations like those by the woman sage&nbsp;<strong>Vak Ambrini&nbsp;</strong>find a prominent place in the Rig Veda Samhita [1].&nbsp;<em>There are more than&nbsp;</em><strong><em>thirty women sages</em></strong><em>&nbsp;in Rig Veda with specific hymns associated with them.</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>