Day 19: On the right track!

<p>Seeing a familiar European face on the Skytrain this morning didn&rsquo;t really calm us down a lot.</p> <p>Like most or our colleagues this week, we were rather nervous this morning, because the weekly review meeting with our host organization was waiting for us. Our chance to show the progress we made in the last 7 days and hear if we&rsquo;re still working in the right direction. And if we aren&rsquo;t, what would that mean for the last week we&rsquo;re here??</p> <p>One thing was clear for us from Day 1: We did not want to spend 4 weeks with our organization and produce something that would be read and then disappear in some digital drawer never to be pulled out again. Seeing as one of SAP&rsquo;s CSR focus topics is &lsquo;digital&rsquo; in the broadest sense (and we Social Sabbatical &lsquo;SAP consultants&rsquo; are often mistaken for the digital technical guys that can &lsquo;fix our ERP system&rsquo;), it is quite challenging to produce a solution that the host organization can actually test and experience first-hand during our time with them. Four weeks really isn&rsquo;t a long time.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Right Track