Rig Veda and the Big Bang Theory: Part 1
<p><em>Just to set your expectations, this is not another attempt to prove that my ancestors and my culture invented and discovered most important things before others did. Not that it is a bad thing to do, but that’s just not my approach. Our civilization believes that time is a chakra, or a cycle, and not a straight line. If time is indeed cyclical, it is pointless to argue what came first and what happened later. To be clear, belief in an endless cycle of yugas (or eras) and rebirths is one of the central tenets of Hinduism. And so I flinch when anyone says “We only have one life, live it to the fullest.” Again, not that its a bad thing to do. But I digress, I am here to talk about the parallels between what’s in the Rig Veda and the Big Bang Theory.</em></p>
<p><a href="https://madhu-guru.medium.com/rig-veda-and-the-big-bang-theory-part-1-c8e0074e0d24"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>