Rhino Species At Risk

<p>Rhinos are under serious pressure that is risking their survival. If all rhinos went extinct, then their habitats would forever be shifting towards decline. All keystone species are pivotal in their role for the eco-system. Rhinos are unique by the way they impact and change the landscape around themselves. As mega-herbivores (large plant eating mammals), they have an important role in maintaining healthy eco-systems by preventing overgrowth of vegetation. This encourages new growth and results in additional food and grazing areas for other herbivore species. Rhinos also play a vital role by helping to keep waterholes open.</p> <p><a href="https://mohammed-omer-shabbir.medium.com/rhino-species-at-risk-3b044ac25bd3"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Rhino Species