Time to think of Rewilding Our Thinking

<p>I&rsquo;ve been reading a captivating book titled &ldquo;<em>Rewild Yourself: 23 Enchanting Paths to Uncover the Hidden Beauty of Nature,</em>&rdquo; by British writer, Simon Barnes. The initial lines of the book begin with a poignant truth:&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;We&rsquo;re not merely losing touch with the wild world. We&rsquo;re erasing it from our consciousness. The habit of observing, listening, and truly experiencing nature is slipping away, as if it&rsquo;s becoming irrelevant.&rdquo;</em></p> <p>These words strike a disconcerting chord, a sense of alarm, sorrow, and dismay. Society, it seems, is increasingly detached from the natural world. This disconnect is truly disheartening, for I am steadfast in my belief that nature is destined to play a more significant part in our lives. Neglecting this imperative relationship, I am convinced, carries weighty consequences.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/weeds-wildflowers/time-to-think-of-rewilding-our-thinking-5d6165a568de"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>