Review on India Untouched: Research Documentary

<p>Award Recognitions within India as well as Internationally and with a 9/10 IMDB rating, &lsquo;India Untouched&rsquo; is one of the rawest and thought-provoking documentaries. With seamless musical transitions from one scenario to another, this documentary is a marvel. The easy comprehensibility and the simplicity of the way in which this documentary is shot makes it accessible to each and every citizen. What makes it more thought provoking is that this documentary remains valid throughout the history of our nation&rsquo;s existence. It was valid when the documentary was released in 2007 and it remains valid today as well. It dissects the ways in which caste-based discrimination is inherently present in our culture. The opening scene of the documentary features a young innocent boy smiling. When asked who taught him about &lsquo;Untouchability,&rsquo; he replies that no one taught him and that he just knew of it.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Review India