Once Upon a Time, We Succeeded in Reversing the Trend of Gun Violence

<p>According to Pew Research&sup1;, 58% of U.S. adults favor stricter gun laws. Apparently, most people don&rsquo;t relish the prospect of becoming the victim of the next mass shooting. However, the repeated occurrence of tragedies cast a pall on our hope, most recently the Maine shooting claiming 18 lives.</p> <p>Two reasons stand behind the sense of despair. First, we know the politicians will not do anything. Although gun control has gained popular support over the years, the political power represented by the NRA remains formidable. Moreover, certain features of our system, especially the Senate where each state, regardless of its size, has two seats, have resulted in the disproportionate influence of a minority on societal decisions.</p> <p><a href="https://aninjusticemag.com/once-upon-a-time-we-succeeded-in-reversing-the-trend-of-gun-violence-07ab7a38d9d7"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>