The reverse Paris Syndrome

<p>&lsquo;Them&rsquo; is who I could&rsquo;ve become, had I stayed in Paris. Instead, I moved to London and I&rsquo;ve never looked back. Well, that bit isn&rsquo;t exactly true, as I get confronted by British people who don&rsquo;t seem to comprehend why I would leave the City of Lights for the Big Smoke. Don&rsquo;t you want to go back, they ask, probably to make sure they don&rsquo;t invest too much time in me if I&rsquo;m going to leave them soon. Why did you leave Paris, they cry, when it&rsquo;s so romantic? Now let&rsquo;s get this straight: Paris might seem romantic when you&rsquo;re not French and you whisk your girlfriend away for a long weekend, an engagement ring secretly packed between your boxers. But the reality of it, when you live there all year long and you don&rsquo;t have the luxury to enjoy a caf&eacute;-croissant every morning on a terrace? Not so&nbsp;<em>romantique</em>, especially when no one&rsquo;s here to make fun of the hilariously grumpy waiter &mdash; instead you have to endure the most insulting catcalls.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Reverse Paris