Revealing Rothko!

<p>The National Gallery of Art does an excellent job in showcasing the evolution of Mark Rothko&rsquo;s work from his earlier more impressionistic figurative and landscape work to his later looser rectangular abstract shapes of color fields that he is so notably known for.<br /> The exhibition gives one a thorough walk-thru the galleries presenting the growth and evolution of Rothko from his earlier impressionable work that relies on the artists he greatly admired such as Paul C&eacute;zanne​, John Marin and later a strong influence from Joan Mir&oacute; and ultimately coming to his own full circle or full rectangle in his case.<br /> One can say that Rothko was almost escaping who he is as a painter and as a person by emulating the earlier masters that he so much admired.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>