I built the T with Python (and revamped it)

<p>This fall, I took a Network Models class (<a href="https://learning-modules.mit.edu/class/index.html?uuid=%2Fcourse%2F1%2Ffa18%2F1.022#info" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">1.022</a>) at MIT. The class covered a lot of cool concepts of networks/graphs, such as node centralities and shortest paths, as well as important applications, like the behaviors of epidemics and social networks. Another application of this theory &mdash; the one I chose to do my final project on &mdash; is transportation networks. For my final project in this class, I modeled the T and experimented with making some changes to the network.</p> <h2>If you are unfamiliar with the T&hellip;</h2> <p>The T is Boston&rsquo;s subway system. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) operates the T, as well as the buses and commuter rail. There are five lines on the T: the Red, Blue, Green, Orange, and Silver Lines. The Silver Line is actually a bus, and I did not include it in my model.</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/i-built-the-t-with-python-and-revamped-it-632127364f4e"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>