Hack.Diversity continues to break down barriers for Black and Latinx professionals in collaboration with new and returning employers

<p><strong>BOSTON, MA</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; February 21, 2022 &mdash;&nbsp;<a href="https://www.hackdiversity.com/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Hack.Diversity</a>&nbsp;enters its seventh program cycle in Boston with 110 Fellows, 20 Host Companies, and 2 REDI (racial equity, diversity, and inclusion) Partners<strong>.</strong>&nbsp;Since its inaugural program cycle in 2017, Hack.Diversity has connected almost 400 Black and Latinx professionals to their first jobs in tech. Hack.Alumni have not only been retained and/or promoted at Host Companies, including but not limited to: Amwell, athenahealth, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Drift, and Liberty Mutual &mdash; but have also gone on to contribute to other pillars of the innovation economy.</p> <p>Over the past six years, Hack.Diversity has advanced its mission to transform the economy by breaking down barriers for Black and Latinx professionals in tech. Its program model uniquely integrates REDI professional development and organization goal-setting with companies, in addition to spotlighting overlooked talent from alternative education pathways. Hack.Diversity aims not only to increase representation in the tech field, but also to evolve organizational behaviors and practices to support retention and promotion of Black and Latinx professionals.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/hack-diversity-movement/hack-diversity-enters-its-7th-program-cycle-142557f45cea"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>