Return to Edinburgh, My Longest Love Affair

<p>I was sat on my sister&rsquo;s couch, as had become the norm, when the call came. An average day of simply waiting for the minutes to grind by, dreaming of what could be, the plod of life with no real control or opportunities. The call was an unexpected and somewhat welcome interruption. On the other end of the call was a high and lightly breathy woman&rsquo;s voice, she introduced herself as from Edinburgh City Council, that she was calling to offer me an apartment in Edinburgh. I would have an opportunity to view it before deciding if I wanted to take it or not. I knew, even then, that I was going to take it.</p> <p>Edinburgh has been my only real home and my greatest love affair since I was 20 years old. The first time I moved there it was with a girl who I was also very much in love with. My love for the city has outlasted that by decades now. It&rsquo;s difficult to describe why I love the city so much, but explaining love has never been simple. If it were there wouldn&rsquo;t be so many stories, poems and songs about it. It&rsquo;s certainly a beautiful place, although I find myself agreeing with an acquaintance that once described the city centre as being &ldquo;an extremely beautiful theme park.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>