Retro Analysis: FC Barcelona’s 3–4–3 in 2011/12

<p>Pep Guardiola&rsquo;s reign from 2008&ndash;2012 goes down in history as one of the most successful this sport has ever witnessed. The Spaniard wasn&rsquo;t just successful at winning titles, he also revolutionised football with his unique style of play.</p> <p>The&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">2010/11 season</a>&nbsp;is often regarded as Barcelona&rsquo;s greatest season under Pep Guardiola. The Catalan&rsquo;s won the Champions League, the Spanish League and the Spanish Supercopa. Additionally, their way of winning these trophies was outstanding. The Barcelona of 2010/11 was purely based on positioning, aiming to create different kinds of superiorities (e.g.: numerical, positional, qualitative&hellip;) to progress and eventually create goal-scoring chances.</p> <p>It was a tough task to beat this highly successful season and improve the squad even more. However, the tactical mastermind, Pep Guardiola, accepted the challenge. Inspired by his earlier coach,&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">Johan Cruyff</a>, Guardiola brought in a 3-Diamond-3/3&ndash;3&ndash;4 formation. Nevertheless, that wasn&rsquo;t the only difference. The style of play also changed to a more fluid one.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Retro Analysis