Retire in the Next 5 Years Give Up These 10 Things

<p>I&rsquo;m not retired but I&rsquo;m convinced its appeal is rooted in extreme hate of the alternative. You see most people hate what they do for a living.</p> <p>You drag yourself to work, throw stale lunch into a Tupperware box, put on clothes that stifle your creativity, wave at your neighbour Jim and head to hell.</p> <p>You sit in traffic, listening to the radio grate on how it&rsquo;s only 5 days until the weekend, an hour later you pull up to the hotbox.</p> <h1>And then you get there&hellip;</h1> <p>Stress-levels rise. You wait for the elevator. Ping. 9 am, you can hear the pulse of tapping chimes around the rows and rows of desks.</p> <p>The office conversation kills your soul. You don&rsquo;t care what Bill did with his weekend but you feel obligated to ask. You zone out as he tells you about his weekend of Netflix and binge food.</p> <p>The big boss walks in.</p> <p>No-backbone 1 and 2 squirm round. A little bit of sick hits the back of your throat. You can hear them in the background, complimenting, laughing and complimenting again.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Years Retire