Chapter 11: The Rescue Operation

<p>&ldquo;WAKE UP APOORVA!!!&rdquo;, my mum yelled at me. I woke up, thinking I was late, just to realize that it was only 8 am (my regular time). She called me again, &ldquo;Wake up!! Wear your glasses and come here with your camera!!&rdquo; Well, this is a usual thing, mom calling me out with my cam so that I can capture something beautiful that she is watching. Half asleep, I picked up my cam and was about to head out lazily when I heard this &ldquo;There&rsquo;s an OWL IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE!!! COME QUICK!!&rdquo;</p> <p>Yes, an Owl. MY FIRST OWL</p> <p>It was a Barn Owl trapped in our duct because it is closed from the top with nets to prevent pigeons from nesting there. It was looking at us with its &ldquo;Oh so beautiful!&rdquo; black eyes.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>