Reproducible Local Development with Dev Containers

<p>Maintaining legacy software is a hefty job, beginning with the chore of getting it up and running locally. Many questions come to mind when starting the task, including:</p> <ul> <li>Which extra tools need to be installed?</li> <li>Where do these configuration files need to be placed?</li> <li>What magical incantation of environment variables need to be set?</li> <li>How do I get help with setting this up?</li> <li>Who knows the answers to these questions?</li> <li>When are they going to get back to me?!</li> </ul> <p>For those new to the stack or the company, the process of transitioning from having nothing installed to running the team&rsquo;s stack on their machine can take multiple days, depending on what kind of difficulties they encounter. The frustration heightens for seasoned employees transitioning between teams or projects.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>