Representation is Not Reality
<p>I<strong>really thought bullying wasn’t cool anymore.</strong> I graduated high school in 1997 and since then, campaigns against bullying and promoting tolerance have flooded what used to be television and later social media.</p>
<p>These messages are parroted by the new breed of celebrities we’ve crowned as “influencers” and seemingly bring shame to anyone foolish enough to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight. I just assumed it was working because why would they keep doing it if it wasn’t?</p>
<p>Elaine: “Boys are sick.”</p>
<p>Jerry Seinfeld: “What do girls do?”</p>
<p>Elaine: “We just tease someone until they develop an eating disorder.”</p>
<p>What’s that old saying about only an insane person keeps doing the same thing expecting a different result? We’re stuck in this mindset that we only need to have enough celebrities tell people what’s right and then they’ll do it.</p>
<p>Meanwhile all the adults in society are constantly advertising how they are unfriending their mothers because they voted for the wrong political party. Government leaders can’t stop calling each other names. And groups promoting tolerance refuse to tolerate dissention.</p>
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