Removing Trapped Emotions & Heart Walls with the Emotion Code

<p>According to&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Dr. Bradley Nelson</a>, creator of the Emotion Code,&nbsp;<em>90% of chronic pain and disease is from past emotional baggage</em>. We put&nbsp;<strong>heart walls</strong>&nbsp;around painful experiences to&nbsp;<strong>protect</strong>&nbsp;ourselves. These walls may keep us safe initially but, in the long term, prevent positive things from coming into our lives.</p> <p><strong>Heart walls&nbsp;</strong>can be made at any time of life: in the womb, at birth, during childhood, in adolescence, or in adulthood. They can be made around relationships with family members, friends, or partners.</p> <p>These walls can trap emotions that remain stuck in the body, causing&nbsp;<strong>energy blocks and pain.</strong>&nbsp;The Emotion Code works with the subconscious mind and body, using muscle testing, to identify trapped emotions that need to be released.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>